Zentrum für Schmerzmedizin Nottwil


Diagnosis and therapy of all types of pain

Pain is a fundamental human experience and part of our day-to-day life. We make a distinction between acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is a warning signal for imminent physical damage or a sign of acute disease. Chronic pain has lost this function and represents an independent and frequently extremely complex disease.

The Centre for Pain Medicine stands for the highest level of care for the diagnosis and treatment of all types of pain in accordance with international criteria.

  • Acute pain

    We basically make a distinction between acute pain and chronic pain. We are all aware of acute pain, for example when we cut ourselves or get too close to a source of heat. This means that acute pain has a protective function and, by definition, recedes within a manageable period of time with appropriate treatment.

    Chronic pain

    Chronic pain, on the other hand, has lost this function and become an independent disease. There is not a one-size-fits-all answer to why acute pain becomes chronic pain, but it is clear that, in addition to physical factors, emotional/psychological and social factors also play a part. This is why we speak of the biopsychosocial model of chronic pain.

    Treatment of chronic pain

    As a consequence, the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain must be customised and cover all affected levels. In many cases, purely somatic (physical) treatment (e.g. with medicine or injections) is not productive and is frustrating in the long term.

    Interdisciplinary team

    To do justice to this fact, the team of specialists from various disciplines at the Centre for Pain Medicine is there to ensure comprehensive treatment that is customised to the patient and to the specific situation. The patient is the main focus of our work at all times. Active cooperation and the willingness to want to change something about one's own situation are essential preconditions for an increase in quality of life in the medium and long term.

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Understanding pain

Pain is a complex sensation that is similar to a feeling. Pain is always subjective, cannot be measured, cannot be proven and cannot be refuted. Since the 1970s there has been an official definition by the International Association for the Study of Pain that does justice to acute and chronic pain as well as to the biopsychosocial model of disease.

Management of the Centre for Pain Medicine

  • Tim Reck

    Dr. med. Tim Reck, MSc in interdisciplinary pain medicine

    Medical Director, Centre for Pain Medicine

    Specialist medical qualification

    Specialist in Anaesthesiology

    Professional background

    from 03/ 2022
    Medical Director, Centre for Pain Medicine, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2018- 2022
    Senior Consultant, Head of Specialist Area of Interventional Pain Medicine, Centre for Pain Medicine, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2010- 2018
    Specialty Registrar in Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy, Centre for Pain Medicine, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy, Centre for Pain Medicine, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2006- 2007
    Specialist in Anaesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology, University Hospital Mainz, Germany

    2003- 2006
    Junior Doctor in Anaesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology, University Hospital Mainz, Germany

    2002- 2003
    Junior Doctor in Anaesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, Municipal Clinic, Darmstadt, Germany

    Junior Doctor in Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Cologne, Germany

    Junior Doctor in Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany

    Junior Doctor, Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, University of Tübingen

    Training and further education

    Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) “Leadership Dual”, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art

    “Special Pain Management” Certificate, Austrian Medical Chamber

    Certificate “SGSS Pain Specialist of the Swiss Society for the Study of Pain”, now Swiss Pain Society (SPS)

    Master of Science (MSc), “Interdisciplinary Pain Medicine”, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

    Additional FMH qualification in: “Interventional pain therapy SSIPM” of the Swiss Society for Interventional Pain Medicine

    Additional qualification: “Special Pain Therapy”, Regional Medical Association, Rheinhessen, Mainz, Germany

    Conferment of title of doctor, University of Rostock, Germany

    State examination in human medicine, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

    Degree in human medicine, University of Rostock, Germany

    Degree in human medicine, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

    Membership in professional associations

    Swiss Society for Interventional Pain Medicine (SSIPM)

    Swiss Society for the Study of Pain (SGSS), since 2019: Swiss Pain Society

Treatments we offer

At SPC, pain specialists from a very wide range of fields work together in one team. We look at your pain with all its facets and effects on you in your environment, and work together with you to find a treatment programme tailored to you.

Registration and contact

Information registration/online registration

Training and congresses

Since 1999, the Centre for Pain Medicine Nottwil has organised regular international, national and regional congresses, workshops as well as training and continuing education events.

Research activities

Our interdisciplinary team plus national and international cooperative partnerships allow us to carry out scientific research activities. Have a look at some our research projects.

Centre for Pain Medicine team

The experts at the Centre for Pain Medicine are specialised in the diagnosis and therapy of all types of pain. Meet the interdisciplinary team. 


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