Rehabilitation only achieves first-rate outcomes if the various dimensions of health integrity and disability are systematically taken into account for every patient. This is why we pool the expertise of our rehabilitation specialists from the most diverse fields to obtain an interprofessional rehabilitation concept that is consistently based on individual needs. In this process, job descriptions such as physiotherapist and occupational therapist merge into “spinal cord injury therapist” and, drawing on state-of-the-art robotics and extensive cooperation with other leading institutions, we extend our leadership in this area every single day.
Outpatient therapies
Our therapists offer you specific therapeutic advice and treatment based on your individual situation and treatment goals. We support you as you achieve the greatest possible freedom of movement and independence. We adapt procedures and interventions to your requirements. We plan therapy in close cooperation with the attending doctors.
Therapy offer for outpatients
Outpatient therapy offers
- Outpatient occupational therapy
- Outpatient physiotherapy
- Nutritional counselling
- FES Centre
- Equine therapy
- Speech therapy
- Medical Training Therapy (MTT)
- Robotics
- Wheelchair Seating Centre
- Sports therapy
- Vertigo therapy
“The physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams solve problems with their high-quality and efficient work, always with a human touch.”
Inpatient therapies
Our work with inpatients is based on a detailed investigation and appropriate therapeutic interventions. We base what we do on the available medical facts.
Occupational therapy
The occupational therapy team supports and accompanies people whose activities are limited by various conditions.
Occupational therapy offers
Overview of our occupational therapy offers
- ADL training (activities of daily living: eating, cooking, household chores, getting dressed, etc.)
- Ergonomic advice
- Functional therapy (robotics, e.g. ARMEO, biometrics)
- Hand therapy, including splint construction
- Assessment of the need for aids (wheelchair, seat cushion, communication aids)
- Brain performance training (at the computer, CogPack, RehaCom, tasks with a pencil and paper)
- Writing and fine motor skill training
- Seating position in the wheelchair and pressure sore prevention (for complex investigations see Wheelchair Seating Centre)
- City training / Learning by doing
- Tetra hand surgery (hand consultation with the interdisciplinary team)
- Transfer training (e.g. wheelchair-bed transfer, wheelchair-car transfer, etc.)
- Support for vehicle adaptations and coordination of motorisation
- Home and workplace conversions (together with the Centre for Obstacle-Free Building)
Treatment methods and measures:
- Functional electrical stimulation
- Brain performance training, including using the Verena Schweizer method and various PC programs
- Manual therapy
- Physical measures, e.g. paraffin bath
- PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
- Somatosensory rehabilitation (Claude Spicher), e.g. for pain patients
- Mirror therapy
- Therapy according to the Bobath, Affolter and Perfetti methods
- Trigger point treatment
Physiotherapy is a specific form of training for people with limited capacities in terms of bodily functions and movement.
Physiotherapy offers
Overview of our physiotherapy offers
- Respiratory therapy
- Pelvic floor training
- Movement training
- Functional electrical stimulation
- Gait analysis
- Walking and gait training
- Group therapy and sports therapy
- Hand therapy
- Provision of and training with aids
- Equine therapy
- Kinesiology tape and tape
- Neurological forms of therapy (Vojta, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Bobath)
- Complementary therapies
- Physiotherapy in the sling table
- Robotics-assisted therapy
- Wheelchair handling
- Pain therapy
- Transfer training
- Trigger point treatment
- Heat and cold applications, sauna
- Hydrotherapy
Complementary therapies
Complementary therapies offer our patients a wide range of methods. Conventional complementary therapies comprise treatment methods that have an effect on the body using physical laws, e.g. the application of heat, light, force, electricity and magnetic fields.
Sports therapy
Sports therapy (is part of interdisciplinary rehabilitation and) uses the principles of sport science to achieve rehabilitation goals, such as improving strength, endurance, mobility and movement coordination.
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